A Socotec Company
Specialists In High-Speed, Non Destructive Surveying of Transport Networks
CVI & DVI Inspections
Coarse Visual Inspection (CVI) are used to record the presence of defective areas of carriageway, footway and kerbing.
Coarse Visual Inspection (CVI) are conducted from a vehicle and enable the recording of such defects as cracking, crazing and rutting. CVI surveys are performed to national standards.
Detailed Visual Inspection (DVI) surveys enable the collection of much more detail
relevant to defects on roads and pavements. Such defects as cracking, subsidence,
chip loss and the like are all recorded, together with their associated dimensions.
The primary use of such surveys is to assess the condition of the busier pavements
on your network.
Both types of survey can assist you with the appointment of budgets for future maintenance works
Our unique, 4K vertical camera view gives an unparalled visual track record of the road surface condition for both CVI and DVI applications.
This when accompanied with a 4K 45° Down View you have all the imagery you need to conduct both types of survey accurately and quickly.
See the latest PAS 2161:2024 specification for Road Condition Monitoring
An example of CVI in Roadshow